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16:44 12 May in UP COMMING EVENT

Communicate to Engage


Workshop Overview

Organizations seek to create a high level of employee engagement. Research shows that the level of employee engagement is highly correlated with the quality of communication.

Communication is a planned process. It is not enough to provide instructions to the employees regarding how the work should be done. 85% of the workers want more feedback, and it is the job of the manager to provide it – especially when it comes to corrective actions.

A manager needs to assess and incorporate the will and skill of an employee. An employee may have a higher level of skill but a lower level of will and vice versa, resulting in low performance. To influence behavior, a manager needs to understand the psychological profile of employees. This highlights the importance of selecting the right words, time, and medium of communication for achieving the desired behaviors.

Communicating effectively enables the creation of a team environment. It entails creating a culture of respect and trust where people discuss their challenges, concerns, and opportunities in an open manner. As an effective team member, employees not only want to receive continuous feedback, but also like to give candid feedback. Giving and receiving feedback can foster a growth mind set in the workforce and contribute to organizational success.


In this workshop, participants will learn to develop a free, fairand engaging communication culture at their organization. The program will enhance the ability of the participants to get engaged in productive dialogues of giving and receiving feedback. The participants will learn to resolve conflicts ina positive manner and create an environment of high performance and teamwork. They will also acquire the ability toconverse and coach in a way which impacts the level of will and skill of their team members.


Duration 2 days


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